IP主题空间进一步打造多样化沉浸式场景,展现IP主题的场景化魅力。今年将首次举办创新项目“IP无界 授罗万象”T台秀,用生动的视觉效果呈现IP在服装时尚领域的惊艳跨界成果。多个IP化主题场景,如IP体育公园、达芬奇咖啡厅等,玩法多样,让人流连忘返。还有备受业内关注的中国授权金星奖,其颁奖典礼将在我国授权圈一年一度的盛宴中国授权之夜CLE Night上举行。 除了主办现场活动之外,本届中国授权展的参展企业还在展会期间展开30多场精彩纷呈的IP推介会或发布会等活动,值得期待。 IP365X全年365天对接。今年更值得一提的是协会主办的IP365X平台,正在为行业进行365天线上线下打通的商贸对接。IP365X平台除了常年展示推广IP及案例外,旨在集合各行业授权商及被授权商资源,打通信息壁垒,解决品牌授权领域普遍存在的信息不对称现象。此外,IP365X还联合数十家国家级行业协会宣传推广IP,进行线上线下邀约配对,推动IP与被授权企业之间的商业对接。 展会现场还特别设立IP365X商贸对接区,为在线上预约成功的企业双方提供线下会议专区,实现无缝对接。 本届CLE中国授权展依然与中国玩具和婴童用品协会旗下的品牌专业展会同期开展,包括中国玩具展、中国婴童展、中国幼教展。届时四展同台,将集中政府、协会和行业优势,更有效促进现场交流对接。还有更多精彩,等着大家去发现。 受到今年疫情的影响,我国品牌授权行业以及大文娱产业正在面临由其带来的危与机,或将深刻影响整个行业的走向和变化。中玩协品牌授权专委会责无旁贷地帮助各相关企业抱团取暖,共克时艰,一如既往地致力于我国品牌授权行业的持续发展。我也深信第14届中国授权展的展商和观众都将收获满满,不虚此行! Dear exhibitors and participants, On behalf of China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA), the organizer of China Licensing Expo (CLE), I would love to extend our warm welcome to all exhibitors, buyers and participants, and express our sincere thanks for all your great support! The 14th session of China Licensing Expo (CLE) will be held from October 21st to 23rd, 2020 in Shanghai, China. China Licensing Expo is the largest and most effective licensing event in Asia and is widely recognized as the most effective channel to understand the licensing market, promote brands, and expand licensing business in China and Asia. For over a decade, China Licensing Expo has witnessed the developing in licensing industry in China. This year, CLE will present over 1,800 brands of which international brands occupy over 80 percent, from top-notch global licensors to fresh properties. Also, 40 percent of them are new exhibitors this year. China Licensing Expo was held concurrently with the China Toy Expo, China Kids Expo and China Preschool Expo. And this year, more and more records were made at CLE. Many new things happened in this expo that are worth highlighting. International properties giants After 14 years of development, more and more international companies recognize the potential of the Chinese licensing market. International properties giants choose China Licensing Expo exclusively as their most ideal option when exploring licensing business in China. CLE 2020 hosted new international exhibitors, such as Legendary Pictures, and TOEI Animation, meanwhile many famous international properties licensors including Mattel, Hasbro, Discovery, Blizzard, EA, and Ubisoft have been the regular exhibitors for years. Also, top global licensing agents like Licensing Matters participates the show too, to bring more fresh and diversified properties to China market. Meanwhile, the dynamic international pavilions will bring more fresh properties to the market and expand a much wider category, including entertainment, arts, museums and fashion at this expo. Top and emerging domestic properties As the licensing market in China grows, more and more Chinese companies realize the importance of brand licensing, and start to explore more possibilities in the business. China Licensing Expo serves as the most professional platform for the domestic properties, from well-recognized properties to emerging ones. In 2020, the tier-one Chinese domestic properties including Tencent, Ali Group, Alpha, Wanda, NetEase, iQIYI all join in the show, and more popular and young properties from social media joined in the exhibition, such as China Aerospace, Yijianyuzhou, Popmart and 52Toys. Art and museum properties Alongside the regular tradition of entertainment and characters, CLE covers the whole property category, and the art and museum properties are in the spotlight this year. The 14th session of China Licensing Expo hosts a special museum section at the show, and more museums have participated independently from home and abroad, including Forbidden City, China National Museum, and British Museum, V&A Museum. The art licensors are raising too. Exhibitors like Tokidoki and Fuyun Art have joined the show independently. |